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Early Morning Info


Since January 1 ,2019, health insurance coverage  has ceased to be mandatory at the federal level. That means there is no  federal  punishment or penalty for being uninsured.  However, some states still require you to have health insurance coverage to avoid a tax penalty.

Let’s explore 5 Unbeatable Reasons why insuring yourself and family is vital. You don’t take insurance for granted even though it is not compulsory. In this article, we delve into 5 reasons why insurance is important.

Financial Protection: Medical expenses can be catastrophic especially when unplanned, which is always the case. Insurance helps cover unexpected costs, ensuring you don’t go bankrupt due to medical bills when the need arises.

Access to Preventive Care: Insurance plans often cover preventive services like check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations. The purpose is to help promote early detection and treatment of health issues. Imagine what will happen if you are on no insurance?

Reduced Financial Stress: It’s always soothing knowing you have insurance coverage. This alone  can alleviate anxiety and stress, allowing you to focus on your well-being and recovery. Don’t  wait too long and later say I wish I did it.

Negotiating Power: One important role insurance companies  play is they often negotiate lower rates with healthcare providers, ensuring you receive affordable but quality health care.

Protection from Unforeseen Events: Accidents, illnesses, or natural disasters can strike unexpectedly. Insurance provides a safety net, helping you navigate uncertain times.

Remember, insurance is a vital investment in your health and financial security, even if it’s not mandatory. Find yourself a company with the coverage that best suits your needs as a consumer.

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