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Early Morning Info


Couple of weeks ago, I was surfing the Internet for early morning news and I chanced upon a publication by Graphic Communications on graphic.com titled “ See how much you will pay to use Elon Musk’s Starlink in Ghana”. I was like, finally finally they are here.

It was  good  to know that the highly anticipated internet service to Ghana; offering high speed, low latency connections and could revolutionize how we connect ,learn, and work on the Internet has ultimately arrived after a series of Brouhaha between them and the government of Ghana.

In December 2023 for instance, the National Communication Authority(NCA) published that Starlink oppressions were illegal in Ghana by then.

Further deliberations has led  Ghana and the NCA approving the application for Starlink to officially operate from Ghana.

I think that was a smart move because “high speed Internet dea who doesn’t like”?

Let’s get deep into the packages the company is selling to Ghanaians and I have a lot of questions here.

First of all, does  Starlink have a target Customers and not all Ghanaians? That will be understandable. This brings me back to the packages.

It starts with Standard package  for households which cost GHC 770, the Priority Package  for  businesses is GHC 1,067.00, the Mobile, best for RVs,Campers, remote workers etc is alsi GHC1,540.00 and finally the Mobile Priority plan for maritime, emergency response and mobile businesses ranges from  GHC 17,710 to GHC 4428 due to some specialized features it comes along.

  • My understanding is Starlink did not come for ordinary Ghanaians. If you are a national service personnel please honor your mother and father and save some “Nokofiio” for the house if you know “you come from far”. It is important to know your level because the least of the monthly internet package supersedes your monthly stipend.

And a word of advice to single mothers, especially if you are a single mothered national service personnel please focus and you will be fine. 

 But I agree one hundred percent with one of the Ghanaian radio presenters who in reviewing the packages remarked “so Ghanaians are richer than Nigeria?”

This again brings to my next question: is Ghana  the African Gold Mine to Elon Musk’s Starlink Satellite Broadband?

Let’s take a look at our neighboring country Nigeria where SpaceX Starlink is also operating . What is the cost of their least Internet plan? Upon searching, I found out that the standard Starlink plan in Nigeria cost 38000 Naira equivalent to GHC 373.995 . The difference is GHC 396.005. 

I am of the view that Ghanaians don’t know how rich and wealthy we are. This is something that only foreigners can see. Ghana is like  the gold mine of Africa in the eyes of outsiders.

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