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Early Morning Info


Los Angeles General Medical Center, also known as LAC+USC Medical Center, is a public teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Southern California (USC). Recently, the hospital has rebranded to reflect its dedication towards providing world-class care to the people.

Their service ranges from  Providing a wide range of medical services from the emergency department through to treatment centers. Today,  Los Angeles General Medical Center is  well-equipped and staffed to handle any critical cases if all sort.

Like most hospitals, Los Angeles Hospital also has it fair share of it challenges.  Some of the lapses most complained by patients include long waiting times especially at the emergency department and clinics. While some patients also find it  difficult navigating the hospital’s administrative systems,  there’s limited  parking and accessibility for disabled.

Although over the years, there have been  staffing issues that made some reviewers state understaffing and high nurse-to-patient ratios as one of the major challenges.

It is also important to note that the hospital has been well in serving a diverse community in Los Angeles, California, offering exposure to various cases for medical students and residents willing to explore more innovative treatments and cutting-edge research.

In 2013,  the hospital received the Harold P. Freeman Award  for its efforts to reduce cancer disparities among medically underserved populations. 

Additionally, the hospital’s effort in diverse initiatives to reduce patient falls in the acute-care medical surgical jail ward was recognized in the 2022 Gage Awards . 

However in this article, we want to explore subtly special ways that makes Los Angeles General Medical Center a step ahead of the others in consumers satisfaction.

The hospital’s ability to publish its performance in terms of safety and outcome and the  effort to minimizing  hospital Infectious rate, surviving complications, objects left in the body accidentally among others things.

This shows  how they can own up to responsibilities and how they are  willing to grow as an institution.

Leapfroghospitalgrade.com  published the hospital acquired Infectious rates in Los Angeles General Medical Center and according to this publication  on the hospital’s MRSA infections, Los Angeles General Medical Center has higher-than-expected rates of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, which can be spread through bed linens or medical equipment if providers don’t properly wash their hands between patients.

The rate of C. diff Infections is also high. This infection can be spread via contaminated equipment or by providers who fail to properly wash their hands between patients.

There are reports on Central Line-Associated Infections and Sepsis. When it comes to Surgical complications the hospital has a higher-than-expected rates of surgical site infections after colon surgery and urinary tract infections associated with catheters.

Reports on accidental objects left in the body during surgery by the hospital was lower-than-expected rate. 

To have such a report in the public domain and yet keep your head high and begin writing a new well to do stories about yourself  depict s a new era of change. Currently they have device improved mechanisms to help curb most alarming  shortcomings and I think it worth recognizing.

This hospital has over the years been working assiduously to reduce hospital infection rates by implementing various innovative measures such as improving hand hygiene, enhancing regular environmental cleaning and disinfecting hospital rooms and medical equipment time to time, , implementing infection control guidelines for maintaining  catheter insertions and maintaining central lines and urinary catheters.

For instance, there has been effort in improving antibiotic use to reduce resistance by deploying the right antibiotics before surgery and closely monitoring patients during and after major  surgeries.

There are also enhanced measures towards patient care to keep MRSA and C. diff patients separate from other patients, and making it mandatory for providers and visitors to wear gloves and gowns around these patients. This is  going a long way to rewriting the old story of the Los Angeles General Hospital.

 It is human to find complications of this sort in human institutions. I call  it a 0.009% inefficiency  on the side of humanity but this should not be taken for granted. 

I think it takes a premier medical entity with a potent background like the Los Angeles General Medical Center to withstand criticism and make the best out of it to achieve effective patients satisfaction.

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